torsdag, marts 09, 2006

Borland's Delphi goodbye | The Register

A funny take on the future of Delphi ..

A little quote :
"And they did bring forth a version of Delphi called '2005'. But the users of Delphi looked upon it with scorn, for it was a stinker."

.. and thus spake the master programmer ;-)

Borland's Delphi goodbye | The Register

tirsdag, februar 28, 2006

Life and Times of Anders Hejlsberg

Great video with interview of Anders Hejlsberg, one of my all-time favourite Danes :)

Being a hardcore Delphi user, I must admit that the more I use C# the more I like it ..

Life and Times of Anders Hejlsberg

torsdag, februar 09, 2006

Borland announces Plan to Divest IDE Product Lines

Hmm, the rumours have been flying about this for some months, but now it is out in the open. Borland is trying to sell off the IDE line of products.

Borland to Acquire Software Quality Company, Segue Software;
Announces Plan to Divest IDE Product Lines

A debater on the borland newsgroups asked if you would teach your kids Delphi or MS C# if you wanted to tech them how to program. I probably would do neither, but instead delve into something like Perl, Python and PHP .. and much more important learn them to be openminded and not too religious ..

Having used Delphi since Delphi II, and Turbo Pascal since TP5 (those were the days) - I hope all of the great Borland tools live for many years on. And most of all I hope the Borland 'tradition' of making 'best of breed' development tools lives on too.

Well, that was my 5 cents :-)