onsdag, november 30, 2005

Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments

Nice piece on how and when to write comments in your code ;-)

//...but I rarely do that anyway :-)

Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments

fredag, november 11, 2005

Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind?

Another one of my all-time favourite authors, has put together this little piece ;-)

Excellent reading, you may or may not agree, but still enjoyable reading :-)

Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind?

Fantastic screed against Sony DRM

Boingboing editors found this piece of history, again on the Sony DRM issue - the actual post is a couple of years old, but still applies.

What really annoys me is that I buy more records than ever before, but I also want to listen to the records on my computer - actually my CD Player in my stereo is broken right now.

I find it extremely annoying, when I am prevented from using a product I have purchased.

Link to story here..

onsdag, november 02, 2005

Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far

Yet another great article from sysinternals, this time discovering a 'rootkit' as part of SONY Music DRM scheme.

Mark's Sysinternals Blog: Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far