onsdag, oktober 12, 2005

Security Watch: Say good-bye to choice - CNET reviews

I've been reading c|net for years, and they have this great article about how less choice is bad for consumers, this article is about the antivirus market, but applies to other segments as well ..

Security Watch: Say good-bye to choice - CNET reviews

onsdag, oktober 05, 2005

The Robot's Soapbox

Yet another article found on Slashdot, offering some piecee of advice ;-)

"Are you happy doing what you're happy doing? Do they have you developing in-house tools, when you'd rather be developing next-generation user interfaces? Are you finding yourself spending half your time fixing the network and pulling cable when you'd rather be developing a framework for your fellow developers?"

The Robot's Soapbox

mandag, oktober 03, 2005

What Business Can Learn from Open Source

Quite funny and weel written article on what we may learn from Open Source, and apply to our own projects ..

"The atmosphere of the average workplace is to productivity what flames painted on the side of a car are to speed."

What Business Can Learn from Open Source