onsdag, november 30, 2005

Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments

Nice piece on how and when to write comments in your code ;-)

//...but I rarely do that anyway :-)

Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments

fredag, november 11, 2005

Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind?

Another one of my all-time favourite authors, has put together this little piece ;-)

Excellent reading, you may or may not agree, but still enjoyable reading :-)

Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind?

Fantastic screed against Sony DRM

Boingboing editors found this piece of history, again on the Sony DRM issue - the actual post is a couple of years old, but still applies.

What really annoys me is that I buy more records than ever before, but I also want to listen to the records on my computer - actually my CD Player in my stereo is broken right now.

I find it extremely annoying, when I am prevented from using a product I have purchased.

Link to story here..

onsdag, november 02, 2005

Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far

Yet another great article from sysinternals, this time discovering a 'rootkit' as part of SONY Music DRM scheme.

Mark's Sysinternals Blog: Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far

onsdag, oktober 12, 2005

Security Watch: Say good-bye to choice - CNET reviews

I've been reading c|net for years, and they have this great article about how less choice is bad for consumers, this article is about the antivirus market, but applies to other segments as well ..

Security Watch: Say good-bye to choice - CNET reviews

onsdag, oktober 05, 2005

The Robot's Soapbox

Yet another article found on Slashdot, offering some piecee of advice ;-)

"Are you happy doing what you're happy doing? Do they have you developing in-house tools, when you'd rather be developing next-generation user interfaces? Are you finding yourself spending half your time fixing the network and pulling cable when you'd rather be developing a framework for your fellow developers?"

The Robot's Soapbox

mandag, oktober 03, 2005

What Business Can Learn from Open Source

Quite funny and weel written article on what we may learn from Open Source, and apply to our own projects ..

"The atmosphere of the average workplace is to productivity what flames painted on the side of a car are to speed."

What Business Can Learn from Open Source

torsdag, september 15, 2005

Software Freedom Day, September 10th

Enjoy the pictures from the celebration of Software Freedom Day 2005, see if you can spot me in any of the pictures ;-)

Copenhagen, Denmark

onsdag, september 14, 2005

Start enjoying Instant Messaging again ...

For those who haven't noticed yet, google has their own instant messenger - google talk - what I really like about this is the fact that it is 'just' the IM client. No fancy icons, no commercials, no annoying stuff that pops up everywhere :-)

That much said, maybe commercials will come in the future but for now - just enjoy the simplistic interface and functionality.

Should you feel the need to give it a test run, leave me a message at neskirneh.retep@gmail.com ..

fredag, august 26, 2005

Initial posting ..

Ok, my first try at this .. just wanted a place to share this picture taken on Aug 13, on the way home from my dads birthday - happy birthday once more :-)